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October 2016 Catch




On 10-27-2016 at approximatley 2230 hours, Officer Montgomery observed a suspsicious vehicle that had heavy rear end damage, appearing to have just been involved in a collison. Officer Montgomery attempted to stop the vehicle, and the vehicle fled from officers and a vehicle purusit started. At the end of pursuit, Grant ran from the vehicle as it continued down the street. Grant ran into an alley and jumped a tall fence. Officer Montgomery yelled at officers that the suspect was running south as Montgommery and K9 Doc were trying to get around the fence.

As Montgomery came around the house He observed Grant run across the street and after a K9 warning, he instructed K9 Doc to apprehend the suspect. As Doc was closing in, Montgomery observed Officers run across in between the suspect and K9 Doc. Montgomery began yelling at them to watch for the dog. He was about 75 yards out from them and then saw them run into a dark area. As Montgoery closed in, He observed K9 Doc had apprended the suspect by the buttocks and Officer Jones was giving the suspect commands. Grant turned and kicked at K9 Doc as Montgomery began giving commands for Grant to put his hands behind his back. Montgomery again advised him to put his other hand behind his back. At this time, K9 Doc had the suspect by the right arm. Officers were able to get him in handcuff restraints as K9 Doc was taken off the apprehension.

This suspect was later found to have an Active warrant for Murder out of Milwaukee Wisconsin.Grant was transported to Deaconess for treatment and then to the VCCCThis was great work by John and K9 Doc, his attention to duty resulted in this aprehension of an outstanding Murder suspect from Wisconsin.

Respectfully submitted,

Sgt. Brent Hoover

Evansville K9 Unit

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